Don’t bin it if it can be fixed is the principle of Repair Cafés, and the next opportunity for Abington residents to put this principle into practice will be on 28 March, when our third Repair Café will be run at the Village Institute from 10am to 1pm.
These events aim to bring together experienced repairers with people who need faulty or damaged appliances, devices and other possessions repaired. They are your opportunity to bring along something you own that is not functioning or usable, to see whether a knowledgeable expert can bring it back into use by a simple repair instead of it being binned. This way we can make a small contribution to conservation of the Earth’s resources, and incidentally save some of the cash in our pockets.
The scope of the Repair Café currently being planned is expected to cover electrical and mechanical devices and small domestic appliances, computers and electronic devices, jewellery, bikes, garden tools, pumps, and fabric items needing sewing repair
It’s best to book your item in by emailing the team at repaircafe@theabingtons.org.uk with details such as make, model number, nature of fault, etc.You can also drop in with an item for repair on the day, but you may have to join a queue. Repairs, whether successful or not, are free, but donations are invited to cover the costs of the Repair Café.
Running alongside this event, Jeremiah’s Cafe will be selling the usual hot and cold drinks, snacks and delicious cakes.
What can I bring to the Repair Café?
You can bring anything in need of repair that you can carry, and that will not be a safety hazard or make a mess. This could be small electrical, mechanical or electronic appliances such as hairdryers and toasters (but excluding microwave ovens and TVs), lamps, toys, mobile phones, laptops, clothes, jewellery, bicycles, items that need gluing, etc. Whatever it is, it might not even be broken, perhaps you just can’t work out how to use it without the manual – bring it along. As well as repairers with general skills, we expect to have those more specialised in computers, electrical and electronic equipment, fabric, sewing machines, bikes and jewellery.
This Repair Café is one of a series in the South Cambs. area, organised by a group from the Abingtons and co-ordinated by Cambridge Carbon Footprint.
Event Details10:00 am - 1:00 pm 28th Mar 2020 The Institute (opposite the Three Tuns) 66 High Street Great Abington CB21 6AE |
Map Unavailable |