Welcome to The Climate Buzz – a get together on the last Wednesday of each month for CCF volunteers and others interested in climate change. Held in the cosy setting of Cambridge’s No 30 cafe, The Buzz is an opportunity to learn and practice new skills, keep on top of environmental news and meet like-minded people. This month’s workshop is led by Sarah Whitebread who has previously worked in Parliament for a number of MP’s and covers “How to influence politicians to bring about postive change”.
7.00pm Welcome and introduction
This introductory half-hour is for people new to CCF and the environmental movement in Cambridge. Join us for a quick intro to find out more about who we are and how you can get involved.
7.30pm Workshop – ‘How to influence politicians to bring about positive change’
A talk and interactive session working through ideas and tips for the best ways to engage with politicians at a local and national level. Sarah currently works as the Parliamentary Advocacy Manager at the RSPB and has previously worked in Parliament for a number of MP’s
8.30pm Social
A chance to meet and mingle and get to know others involved with CCF and working on sustainability issues in Cambridge.
Event Details7:00 pm - 9:30 pm 25th Apr 2018 No 30 (Cafe) 30 Chesterton Road Cambridge CB4 3AX |
Map Unavailable |