Art and creativity is my definitive form of expression. Art defies boundaries. It is incredibly therapeutic and offers a non verbal way of communicating with a wide range of individuals. The joy I experience repurposing objects and materials that would otherwise end up in landfill is incredibly rewarding and inspirational to me. In particular I enjoy creating pieces of art that can be worn or played with, that are thought provoking, yet generate laughter. Excitement is key to engaging people who feel that art and creativity is out of their reach.

I participated in this project last year and thoroughly enjoyed it. The links I made with the charity Sense that featured my Tail-feathers costume have been very beneficial too. It promoted a lot of interest and discussion.

Description of Ann’s artwork appearing in CirculART
A tactile and sensory installation embracing an environmental and political theme.

Why Ann chooses to use repurposed materials
There is a beauty within repurposing that cannot be achieved by mass manufacture. This is direct contrast to the waste generated by big businesses.

  • Ann Templar
  • Business name: Ann Anu
  • Shown at: Sense, 60 Burleigh Street, CB1 1DJ