As an artist working predominantly in screen printed and stitched textiles, I am particularly interested in looking at the objects and documents of a particular place as inspiration for my work. I often look to historical documents as source material but also like to create quirky fabrics that reflect the odd things that we humans do or surround ourselves with. I particularly likes the vases, crockery and kettles which make up the jumble in the Romsey Mill Charity Shop. For me, they talk about the everyday things we love and use and discard – for someone else, in turn, to use and love. I like to build up a library of motifs which can be used together in different patterns to create a set of fun fabric prints. The idea of using the remnants of people’s lives as motifs chimes with the idea of using remnants of fabrics in this project. My passion for textiles runs to bookmaking, carnival, felting, dyeing and colouring of cloth.
I also run textiles and art workshops for community groups and teaches adults with learning disabilities. You can find more information about current projects and workshops on Ricki’s blog.
Description of Ricki’s artwork appearing in CirculART
A dress made from preloved fabrics which are screen printed using motifs inspired by bric-a-brac sold in shop.
What repurposed materials does Ricki use
Preloved curtains and sheeting.
Why Ricki chooses to use repurposed materials
Cotton production is exploitative of labour and environmental resources. Moreover, I love the worn quality of preloved fabrics and hate it going into landfill.