CCF would like to invite everyone to join us for our AGM to celebrate some great successes – last year our volunteers and partners supported us in hosting dozens of sustainable living events, including the world’s biggest Repair Café and a very popular Open Eco Homes season. Tackling climate change is of course a monumental task so we’ll also be seeking your input into tackling challenges and exploring opportunities for the future. Following a brief formal AGM* we’ll have our AGM talk.
TALK: A Carbon Temperature Take
Caterina Brandmayr (Policy Analyst at the Green Alliance think tank)
The world in which we are all working to avoid catastrophic climate change is constantly changing, and this can make it hard to grasp how our individual or group actions fit into a bigger picture. Many people know that Cambridge is committed to achieving zero net emissions by 2050 (or earlier) but few are clear about what is working and what’s not, or who the decision makers are or where support and resources might lie that’ll help individuals and organisations with carbon reduction activities.
Caterina Brandmayr will talk about the current political will to achieve carbon budgets and the impact of Brexit on climate change. She’ll also share the Green Alliance’s work on which UK cities are making good progress towards cutting emissions and discuss how Cambridge might build on their experiences.
The Green Alliance’s talk will be followed by short talks from speakers who’ll give updates on the shifting local landscape. Tony Eva (Earth Scientist and part of Carbon Neutral Cambridge) will cover the work of Carbon Neutral Cambridge in the City and provide an update on the newly created Cambridge Climate Commission. Pippa Heylings (newly elected South Cambs District Councillor) will provide an overview of the ambition of the newly created District Council’s ‘Climate Change and Environment Committee’, of which she is Chair.
Following the talks we’ll have 30 minutes for audience questions and discussion. Afterwards, there will be time to catch up with staff, volunteers, trustees and other supporters over a cup of tea and a bit of cake.
We’d love to see you there. No booking required.
*Anyone is welcome to become a Company Member which gives you voting rights at our AGM, for example Company Members are able to vote on the election of Trustees. You can apply to be a member application form if you share CCF’s aims and general approach, take a keen interest in CCF and want to contribute to its success and normally attend AGMs (at which you can vote). If you are interested in becoming a member just email your completed application form to It’s not necessary to become a member to attend the AGM or be actively involved with CCF.
Event Details7:00 am - 9:30 pm 16th Jul 2018 St Barnabas Church Mill Road Cambridge CB1 2BD |
Map Unavailable |