Pivotal Takeover Festival

museum of technologyOn Saturday evening, November 12th, Pivotal is partnering with CCF and extending the ‘Circular Cambridge’ daytime event into a weekend ‘Takeover Festival of the environment, technology, and community’ at the Museum of Technology.

Pivotal was set up in 2015 by producer Michelle Golder, and is a loose collective of creatives, desiring to effect climate and social change through creativity and conversations. It hosted a series of events to co-incide with the COP21 climate talks in Paris, and was part of a global ‘ARTCOP’ initiative, harnessing the work of many people to find solutions to the problems facing the planet.

As we’ve seen in the news recently, those deals set in Paris are only now being agreed, and as highlighted in this article by 375 of the world’s top scientists (including half a dozen from Cambridge) progress toward preventing planetary climate change and disaster is too slow. So we recognise that this remains a ‘pivotal’ moment to keep the creativity, the examination and yes the pressure up, but most importantly, to keep having the conversations about change.

So Pivotal continues, and is planning a Festival in partnership with CCF and Transition Cambridge, to highlight the cutting-edge work all 3 NGO’s do across the City and within it’s varied communities, over the weekend of November 12th and 13th. We’ve chosen the iconic venue of the Museum of Technology partly as it advertises itself as one of the world’s first Industrial recycling centers, and because it represents where technology has brought society to today: to a place of questioning and refining, and asking how technology might shape the future – a carbon-free future? a plastic-free future? or a society dominated by all forms of technology and even artificial intelligence?

It is a museum stuffed with engines, furnaces, radiography machines and the debris and by-products of technology and society: from clinker to effluence to steam and memorabilia of Cambridge’s bygone days Industrial days, when huge chimneys filled the Barnwell and Abbey area. This is a perfect place to frame the question: where do we as a species go from here?

How can we improve (and not further de-spoil) the natural world, and live in harmony with it, and work toward healing the issues within human society? And while we’re doing that, have some good green fun too – using the arts and fine, provocative conversations, the Pivotal Takeover Festival promises a night and a day of films, music, poetry and spoken word, talks and debates and a lot more besides. Come join us, and engage with the conversation around change!

Pivotal Takeover Festival at the Museum of Technology, Cheddars Lane, Cambridge
Saturday 12th November 7.30pm
Sunday 13th November 10am – 5pm
A family-friendly event
Bookable in advance & tickets on the door
We recommend warm clothing
Further info on website shortly

WEBSITE: http://www.pivotal.org.uk
CROWDFUNDING LINK: http://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/pivotal-org-uk/?

James Murray-White