With the support of South Cambs’ Sustainable Parish Energy Partnership (SPEP), Transition Cambridge and Cambridge Carbon Footprint, 2G3S are pleased to announce our second Great Shelford Repair Café. As last time, it will be held at The Scout and Guide Headquarters, behind the Memorial Hall, Woollards Lane, Great Shelford, from 2:00 – 4:30 pm on Saturday 2 June 2018.
It’s a free event (donations very welcome) where we match amazing repairers with people who need stuff fixing. Bring along the following to be repaired and to pick up repair skills: jewellery (and jewellery cleaning), sewing and fabric repairs (no alterations; and clean items only please), small household appliances and electrical items, knives to be sharpened, computers, mobile phones, bicycles, and general bits’n’bobs. This time we are also offering a book repair service, so if you have books with broken spines or damaged/loose pages, we can look at those too.
You can turn up with your broken item on the day, but as before we expect to be very busy so it’s best to book it in, either by emailing: southcambsrepaircafe@gmail.com or by clicking the button below. Bookings open in May. The repairers are brilliant and can fix most things but there are no guarantees. Lots of tea and cake available of course!
Event Details2:00 pm - 4:30 pm 2nd Jun 2018 The Scout and Guide Headquarters Woollards Lane Great Shelford CB22 5LZ |
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