Waterbeach Repair Cafe

Contact us

E-mail: waterbeach@repaircafe.org.uk

The first Waterbeach Repair Cafe was held by Paul in October 2016, with the second in July 2017, and the hope being to hold one every 6 months. Our July 2017 and 2018 Cafes were run in conjunction with Summer at the Beach which is Waterbeach's Open Studios event, meaning people could come along to see the art on display in addition to having an item repaired and which turns out to be a popular combination.

I set the Cafe up because I get great satisfaction from repairing things. Even if an item can't be repaired, it's always worth trying because at least when you throw it away or recycle it you know you have done your best to keep it going, Waterbeach is a thriving community with lots of community groups and I feel the Repair Cafe makes a great contribution to that.

We fix a variety of items and there are no promises and no guarantees, but if something can be saved the repairers will give it their best efforts. You can bring anything you can carry that will not make a mess in the venue, for example: bicycles, clothing in need of repair, small electrical appliances, lamps, toys, mobile phones, laptops, printers, items that need gluing, jewellery that needs a clean/repair etc.

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