Fabric envelops us gracefully throughout our lives. When you buy an item of clothing or fabric for your home, you make a very personal choice. FabWrap.Store would like to make its re-use personal too. Fabrics with sentimental value can become beautiful, meaningful artworks. Leftover wood and fabric can become quirky, individual pieces of furniture. Carefully selected clothing becomes elegant, reusable wrapping that creates a gift within a gift. What better idea than to value what we already have?

Description of Fab.Wrap.Store’s artwork appearing in CirculART
A selection of items made from repurposed fabrics.

Why FabWrap.Store chooses to use repurposed materials
These materials are precious, have a history and beauty. FabWrap.Store encourages up-cycling before re-cycling, raising awareness of the value of fabrics as a resource and its potential for re-use around the home and beyond.

  • Dimitra Frangos
  • Business name: FabWrap.Store
  • Shown at: British Heart Foundation Furniture, 164-167 East Road CB1 1DB